Wednesday, December 31, 2014

KRIS 2014

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

So someone on ask fm asked me "bila nak update blog?" So i told her (im very sure it's a girl, duh) that i am not in a good state of mind. I wasnt having a serious problem, no. I was just battling with my own feelings. But alhamdulillah i am waaaaay better now. Since habis SPM, all i did was duduk rumah, tambah berat badan je. Until last friday, I got to join a camp held by a few organisations, all from Gombak. It was held in Gombak too. The name of the program is Kem Remaja Islam Selangor (KRIS). It is an annual camp so next year pun ada! So I went there with Dyna & Aisyah, her friend. We stayed there for 3 days 2 nights. 

At first I was very sceptical of going sbb tak pernah join camp anjuran bukan sekolah. So i was a little nervous sbb nanti tak kenal pun semua orang. But knowing that it is good for me, so pergi je. Programs and activities dia so packed! Balik kajang malam tu tidur awal gila at 9 lebih dah tidur. Tu pun sebab petang pergi KLYESFEST tu. Kalau tau, petang tu lagi dah tidur. 

So the moment we all sampai dekat kem sri raudah, gombak, ada pendaftaran. Lepas daftar, hantar barang dekat dorm, lepas tu boleh pergi minum petang. Sbb pukul 430 dah kena berkumpul dekat dewan. Masa tu mmg dah almost 430 pun. Lepas letak barang, mama & amy went back, tinggalkan kitaorang bertiga. Masatu rasa cam nak balikkkkkkk tak nak duduk situ. Hahaha minum petang air teh o' ya rabbi panas gila. Dah la i couldnt stand air terlampau panas. Kena tiup tiup (which is not good sebenarnya) to cool it down baru boleh minum. Tu pun tak sejuk mana. Ada hidang kek pisang jugak tapi masatu tak selera makan hahaha. 

After minum petang, ada briefing dekat dewan. Semua berkumpul and one of the facies (facilitator) bagi talkimat tentang perjalanan program. After that kitaorg diminta tukar baju sbb ada ice breaking. Before that solat asar berjemaah. Masa ice breaking tu kitaorg kena buat kumpulan ikut umur, then ta'aruf. Lepas tu ikut tempat lahir pulak, then ta'aruf lagi. Ta'aruf tu suai kenal lah. Masatu, dah tak rasa awkward dah. Gelak gelak lagi ada haha. Then ada game. Selesai ice breaking, boleh masuk dorm, siap siap for solat maghrib. Malam tu after solat maghrib, makan malam, then i cant remember what happened. Yang ingat malam tu after isya' ada program perfecting ibadah. One of the facies which is also pengerusi program & seorang ustaz bagi ceramah on perfecting our solah. It was really an eye-opening talk. Bukannya tak tau solat dulu, tapi tak tau pulak yang solat kita tak cukup sempurna. Takut nanti dekat akhirat, kita fikir solat tak pernah tinggal, tapi bila timbang, seolah olah tak pernah solat. Na'uzubillah. 

On the second day, the first activity was game teka teka. Sorang lagi faci, Abg Hannan buat game so kitaorg tak mengantuk pagi pagi. Susah nak explain game tu mcm mana tapi we were devided into groups. I was in group 6. Muslimin & muslimat asing asing. Each group kena pilih sorang wakil. Wakil tu kena buat gaya based on peribahasa yang faci bagi. So the other group members kena teka peribahasa apa. It was fun. Tapi mostly malu nak buat gaya. Ye la depan orang yang tak kenal en. Then we had ceramah on praktikal sembelihan. Ada penceramah jemputan bagi talk on the correct way to sembelih. He showed us pictures & videos of places yang dia dah serbu. Kembang tekak and that time rasa mcm dah tak nak makan ayam sebab banyak tempat yang mengamalkan sembelihan yang tak betul. And us as muslims kena pastikan our food bukan je halal, but toyyiban which means good. Lepas the talk, kitaorg semua diberi peluang sembelih sendiri. Ada 25 ekor ayam disediakan. Muslimat diberi pilihan nak buat or tak and of course I chose not to haha. 

Next activity of the day was praktikal pengurusan jenazah. One ustaz also from gombak came to show us cara nak uruskan jenazah from baru meninggal sampailah habis kafan. It was very interesting sbb dia kafankan live. Guna model yang hidup la, obviously. And we got to do it by ourselves too. It was so fun and masatu pun dah kenal dah group members so takde la awkward ke apa en. This made me lagi faham what to do kalau ada orang meninggal and nanti kalau ada ahli keluarga sendiri meninggal, boleh la uruskan sendiri kan? Alhamdulillah for that is the best way. Selepas itu, ada session dgn Bob Lokman. Siapa yang tak kenal, pegi google hahaha but im sure most of you kenal who he is. He told us what made him change and the struggles he had to face. His talk pendek je, tak lama (dyna yg cakap bcs i fell asleep during his talk hehe i was so tired!!) dalam 45 minutes kot because he had to rush to somewhere idk. And then, that night Zuar from XPDC came and gave almost the same talk also. 

On Sunday, our last day ada last activity which is explorace. Ni activity yang paling best la tak tipu. We were divided into groups mcm biasa. And ada 8 checkpoints bcs ada 8 group kesemuanya. Tapi tak sempat habis sbb kekangan masa. Ada group yang sempat pergi 5 checkpoints je. My group sempat 4 je. One of the checkpoints was with Ustaz Fatah. We were asked to solat Dhuha dekat tengah padang. Padang tu dah la basah sbb the night bfr tu hujan. Ustaz mula mula uji kitaorg, boleh tak kita solat dgn baju ni? (The attire that we were wearing) we all said boleh. He asked wether kitaorg yakin tak dgn pakaian kitaorg utk bawa solat, we all said yes. Then dia suruh solat dhuha. One of my group members jadi imam and the rest of us jadi makmum la ofcs. Baru je angkat takbir, tengah baca al-fatihah, I felt heavy in my heart. Ya Allah sebak dia Allah je tau. I dont know why but i felt such greatness and calmness. Baru lah faham erti "the world is your mosque" tak kira lah dekat mana pun, you can perform your solah. In whatever condition pun, tak ada alasan untuk tinggal solat. Dalam keadaan berpeluh or berlumpur sekalipun, solat tetap kena buat. Be it dalam air, atas gunung, dalam gua pun, kena solat. I had like a moment of insaf sekejap haha.

Selepas itu, kitaorg diberi masa untuk siap siap bcs parents are coming to pick us up. Ada acara penutupan which was just ceramah from Imam Muda Hafiz & Dr Nadzirah. Before balik, we all dapat tshirt and kena pakai untuk ambil gambar. And that was my first baju muslimah ever (yang panjang smpai lutut tu) hahah. Alhamdulillah overall it was worth it. Walaupun mula mula mcm tak nak pergi, nak balik and all, in the end i enjoyed every moment of it. So very grateful for everything that I have learnt there. 

P/s : dah draft ni lama, harini baru habis type semua haha so it wasn't really last friday. It was on 19th Dec. 


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